Macquarie University (2002-2007)
Bachelor of Science
Doctor of Philosophy
Employment History
ARC Future Fellow (January 2018-present) now at School of Science, UNSW Canberra (Previously at UNSW Sydney, 2018-2021)
Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, March 2014-present
ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, November 2011-March 2014
Post-doctoral position, UNSW node
CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, September 2009 - November 2011
Post-doctoral position, the Pacific Climate Change Science Program (PCCSP).
Student Supervision
Grants and project Collaborations
Macquarie University (2002-2007)
Bachelor of Science
- Major in climate science
- Minor in conservation biology
- Development of crucial research skills
- Background research for higher degree study
- Major in Atmospheric Science
- Transfer to the University of New South Wales after 18 months
Doctor of Philosophy
- Thesis title “Evaluation and 21st century projections of global climate models at a regional scale over Australia”
- Graduated August 2010
Employment History
ARC Future Fellow (January 2018-present) now at School of Science, UNSW Canberra (Previously at UNSW Sydney, 2018-2021)
- incorporating physical mechanisms in the attribution of heatwaves
- researching the attribution of conditional and coincident events
- investigating the application of attribution methods to heatwave impacts
Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, March 2014-present
- ARC DECRA fellow (March 2014-March 2017)
- continue focused research on heatwaves
- researching plausible future projections of heatwaves over Australia
- understanding heatwave drivers, their interactions and changes, past, present, and future
ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, November 2011-March 2014
Post-doctoral position, UNSW node
- refining metrics used to measure heatwaves, while still representing all characteristics (e.g. intensity, frequency, duration)
- researching observed changes in heatwaves over Australia and the globe
- quantifying the human signal in recent observed Australian heatwaves
CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, September 2009 - November 2011
Post-doctoral position, the Pacific Climate Change Science Program (PCCSP).
- evaluation and construction of projections from climate models for the Pacific region
- training and communicating results to Pacific Islands stakeholders
- Contribution to "Climate Change in the Pacific: Scientific Assessment and New Research"
Student Supervision
- Nicholas Cahlau (summer student, January 2014)
- Tammas Loughran (PhD, August 2014-March 2018)
- Peter Gibson (PhD, August 2014-August 2017)
- Jaqueline Fenwick (summer intern, January 2015)
- Oliver Angelil (PhD, February 2015-May 2018)
- Charuni Pathmeswaran (PhD, 2018-)
- Xu Deng (PhD, 2018-)
- Jyoteeshkumar Reddy (PhD, 2018-)
- Thao Linh Tran (PhD, 2018-)
- Leanne Lee (Honors, 2020-)
- Philipp Aglas (Practicum/intern, 2020-)
Grants and project Collaborations
- Chief Investigator, ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CE170100023) (2021-)
- ARC Future Fellow (FT170100106), for funding commencing in 2017
- ARC DECRA Fellow (DE140100952), 2014-2017
- NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and Climate Change Research Centre - Heatwaves affecting NSW and the ACT - recent trends, future projections and associated impacts on human health, 2015
- National Environmental Science Program, contributor to Earth Systems Hub, Ocean extremes program, 2016- present
- Charles Perkins Centre on "Climate Adaptation & Health" research node, contributor, 2016-present
- NSW Office of the Chief Scientist conference program award, 2018
- Lecturer/tutor – CLIM3001 – connections in the climate system, UNSW Sydney, March 2012, 2013 & 2016
- Tutor – ClIM1001 – introduction to climate change, UNSW Sydney, Semester 2, 2012 and 2013
- Guest lecturer - GEOS2111 - natural hazards, Sydney University, March 2014-2020.
- Global Education Designs guest lecture for U.S. students - the weather and climate of Australia, January 2016 -2018
- Lecturer - CLIM2001 - atmospheric science, UNSW Sydney, "climate" module, 2016.
- Lecturer - BEES3041 - Big data in biological sciences, UNSW Sydney, 2020
- Convenor - ZPEM3208 - geographical research methods, UNSW Canberra, 2021
- The inaugural Climate Change Research Centre prize for highest impact student paper – 2009
- Early Career Researcher Travel awardee – Australian Academy of Science Annual Symposium, 2011
- Travel Awardee to Science meets Parliament, sponsored by the Community and Public Sector Union, 2011.
- Shortlisted for the UNSW VC Fellowship, 2011.
- Recipient of a NSW Young Tall Poppy Award, 2013.
- Shortlisted for 2014 Eureka prize early career researcher award, as part of the "extremes team"
- 2014 Director's Prize from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science
- One of UNSW Australia's 20 rising stars who will change the world, 2016
- Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Early Career Researcher Award, 2016
- Australian Academy of Science Dorothy Hill Medal, 2021
- Member of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
- Organising committee for the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Annual Conference, 2013, 2020.
- Co-convenor, the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Annual Conference, 2019
- Organising committee for the Greenhouse International conference, Adelaide, 2013 and 2015.
- Founding council member, YESS early career scientists’ global network
- Committee member, Global Climate Change Week, 2016
- Partner with Masada College, Scientists in Schools program 2013-2014
- Associate Editor of Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography (ASCMO), 2016-present
- Associate Editor of Atmospheric Research, 2016-2017
- Associate Editor of Weather and Climate Extremes, 2019-present
- Member of Scientific Reports editorial board 2018-2020
- Liaison between the World Meteorological Organisation Standing Committee's on Marine Meteorology and Oceanography; and Climate
- Co-Chair of the Expert Team on Communication and Outreach, World Meteorological Organisation Commission for Climatology, 2018-2020
- Co-Chair if the Interactional Association of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Early Career Scientist committee, 2020-present