(note COVID-19 has impacted attendance across all events during 2020-2021)
Conference presentations
Non-academic/public events
Conference presentations
- European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Austrian Center, Vienna, Austria, April 2007 – poster presentation
- 9th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography, Melbourne, February 2009 – oral presentation
- National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility conference, Gold Coast, June 2010 – poster presentation
- 11th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 2010 – poster presentation
- Greenhouse conference, Cairns, April 2011 – platform presentation.
- International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly, Melbourne, July 2011 – platform presentation.
- Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS) conference, Sydney, January 2012 – platform presentation
- American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A, December, 2012 – poster presentation.
- Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS) conference, Melbourne, February 2013 – platform presentation
- Swiss international global change day, Bern, Switzerland, April 2013 – poster presentation.
- Greenhouse 2013 conference, Adelaide, October, 2013 – invited presentation.
- American Meteorological Society Annual meeting, January 2014, Atlanta U.S.A - two platform presentations.
- Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS) conference, Hobart, February 2014 –2 platform presentations
- American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A, December, 2014 – poster presentation.
- International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly, Prague, June 2015 – platform presentation.
- Our Common Future Under Climate Change, Paris, July 2015 - poster presentation
- Greenhouse 2015 conference, Hobart, October, 2015 – 2 platform presentations, panel participant, panel facilitator.
- Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS) conference, Melbourne, February 2016 –2 platform presentations
- 13th International meeting on Statistical Climatology, Canmore, Canada 2016 - 2 platform and 1 poster presentation
- American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A, December, 2016 –invited presentation.
- Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS) conference, Canberra, February 2017 – 3 platform presentations (one invited)
- 8th Global Energy and Water Exchange (GEWEX) conference, Canmore, Canada, May 2018 - platform presentation
- Australian Academy of Science Annual Symposium, Canberra, Australia, May 2018 - invited presentation
- Workshop on correlated extremes, Columbia University, New York, U.S.A., May 2019 - invited panelist
- Inaugural Penny Whetton Lecture, Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS), February 2021 (invited presentation)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Experts Meeting on climate model evaluation, Boulder, Colorado, January, 2010 (invite only).
- Pacific Climate Change Science Program workshop, Cairns, April 2010
- South Pacific Regional Environmental Program Climate Change and Adaptation Workshop, Apia, Samoa, May 2010 – invited presenter
- Pacific Climate Change Science Program workshop, Cairns, March 2011
- CAWCR CMIP5 workshop, Melbourne, May 2011 – invited presenter
- École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne Environmental Risk and Extremes Research Workshop, Ascona, Switzerland, July 2011.
- AMOS student symposium, Sydney, July 2012 – invited presenter.
- Attribution of Climate and Weather Extremes: Assessing, Anticipating and Communicating Climate Risks – experts meeting, Oxford, U.K., September, 2012 (invite only)
- ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science Annual Workshop, Hobart, September 2012 – platform presentation.
- Expert Team on Climate Risk and Sector-Specific Climate Indices (ET-CRSCI) workshop planning meeting, January 2013, Guayaquil, Ecuador (invite only).
- Facilitator of the Expert Team on Climate Risk and Sector-Specific Climate Indices (ET-CRSCI) workshop, June 2013, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
- ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science Annual Workshop, Lorne, November, 2013 - poster presentation.
- Inaugural ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science Heatwave workshop, Sydney, May, 2014 - workshop organizer and presenter
- ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science Detection and Attribution workshop, Hobart, November, 2014, invited presenter
- ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science Annual Workshop, Hunter Valley, November, 2014 - poster presentation
- University of Western Australia marine heatwaves workshop, Perth, January, 2015 - invited presenter.
- World Climate Research Program observational data needs for extremes workshop, Sydney, February, 2015 - invited presenter.
- Sydney University Law School Warsaw Mechanism in the Asia-Pacific Region, Sydney, March, 2015 - invited presenter.
- EMCR forum science pathways 2015 - Effective science communication for EMCRs, Adelaide, April, 2015 - participant.
- ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science Heatwave workshop, Sydney, September, 2015 - workshop organizer and presenter
- World Climate Research Program "Thinking out of the Box" workshop, Paris, June 2016 (invite only).
- National Climate Change Adaptation and Research Facility Climate Variability and Extremes workshop, Kioloa, August, 2016 (invite only).
- ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science Annual Workshop, Lorne, November, 2016
- NSW Office of Environment and Heritage Extreme Climate Events Scoping meeting, February, 2018 (invite only)
- ARC Centre of Excellence heatwaves program workshop, August 2018
- Attributing health impacts of heatwaves to climate change workshop, UNSW Sydney, November 2018 - workshop organiser
- ARC Centre of Excellence for Extremes Annual Workshop, Wollongong, November 2018, invited presenter
Non-academic/public events
- Invited presenter at the International Centre for Responsible Tourism Bushfire Preparedness Workshop, November 2013, Sydney, Australia.
- Invited presenter at Think Inc Public BIG THINKERS Lecture, December 2013: How is the climate changing and what impact is it having on our world?
- Canada Bay City Council Heatwaves and interdependencies workshop, Sydney, September, 2014 - invited presenter
- Nerd Nite, the theory behind heatwaves, Arthouse Hotel, Sydney, September 2014 - invited presenter
- Global Climate Change Week inaugural workshop, Wollongong, December, 2014 - invited participant.
- UNSW BEES seminar, the changing nature of Australian heatwaves, April, 2015.
- Sydney Science Festival scientist speed-meet, August, 2015
- Global Climate Change Week panel member and presenter at UNSW, October 2015
- UNSW's Wild Researchers campaign, launched November 2015
- Climate for Change, UNSW Australia's grand challenge, panel member, November 2015
- Ultimo Library's Inspiring Science lecture series, November 2015
- How to Save the World panel member, Australian Museum, November 2015
- Climate Council Summit on heatwaves and human health, March 2016
- UNSW Australia’s 50:50 program – women in science symposium, International Women’s day 2016, Australian National Maritime Museum, 8th March 2016
- German International School Sydney, June 2016, Climate Change and extreme events.
- Invited presenter at Insurance Australia Group Engineering for Climate Extremes Workshop, February 2017
- KPMG Young Professionals workshop, October 2017
- Invited presenter at Screen Australia State of Alarm Workshop, Sydney, December 2017
- Expert presenter on climate change and Australian extreme events, Australian Prime Minister & Cabinet, August 2018
- Panel Member for the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society public event on the IPCC 1.5C report, October, 2018
- Global Climate Change Week @ UNSW Sydney, invited presenter, October 2018
- Maths for Earth Seminar (invited), UNSW Sydney, November 2018
- Poet's Guide to Science Play, Australian Science Communicators Conference, November 2018